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4 Myths About Dental Implants

July 5, 2023
4 Myths About Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial teeth that dentists may recommend to patients in need of long-lasting, durable replacements for missing teeth. If you’ve lost any teeth, this is a treatment option your dentist might consider.

Be sure to ask questions about dental implants if you’re reluctant to take the advice of your dentist and proceed with treatment. Some patients who could benefit from this treatment option fail to take advantage of it because they’ve fallen prey to certain misconceptions about dental implants. Common examples include the following:

Myth 1: The Dental Implant Procedure is Painful

Even if a patient understands the potential benefits of dental implants, they might still hesitate to move forward with treatment because they fear the process of receiving dental implants will cause significant discomfort or pain.

Dentists understand these concerns. If you’re worried about pain during any stage of treatment, discuss these worries with your dentist. They will help you better understand what steps both you and they can take to minimize your discomfort.

That said, according to a study published in the International Journal of Dentistry, when patients do experience pain during the dental implant treatment process, their discomfort tends to be quite mild. Some patients barely experience any noticeable discomfort.

Myth 2: The Dental Implant Procedure Takes a Long Time

The process of receiving implants can take several months. Exactly how long treatment will take can vary depending on several factors, such as whether bone grafting is necessary to strengthen a jawbone, how long it takes for a patient to heal after surgery, etc.

Perhaps you’re not sure you want to receive dental implants because you don’t want to dedicate this much time to an ongoing treatment process. Although a few months can seem like a long time, it’s smart to consider how long dental implants can last when deciding whether the treatment timeline is too lengthy.

Research indicates the majority of dental implants remain in good condition for 15 years or more with proper care. Thus, while receiving implants may involve a lengthier treatment process than other options, when you account for the potential lifespan of a dental implant, you may feel differently about the treatment timeline.

Myth 3: Dental Implants Are Inconvenient

Those who take issue with the length of the dental implant procedure may also believe that dental implant treatment is inconvenient. Because it involves more steps than, for example, receiving bridges or dentures, they may conclude dental implant treatment is too complex.

However, this myth fails to account for what happens after treatment is complete. A dental implant typically lasts longer and is more durable than a bridge. As such, patients don’t need to worry about replacing dental implants as soon as they might have to replace bridges or similar options.

Caring for an implant is also much easier than caring for dentures. Once a patient has received a dental implant, caring for it is as easy and convenient as staying on top of basic dental hygiene.

Myth 4: Dental Implants Only Offer Cosmetic Benefits

A dental implant can restore a patient’s smile. Your confidence will likely increase when you no longer feel self-conscious about a missing tooth. You probably already understand this.

What some patients don’t realize is that dental implants do more than simply improve their appearance. A dental implant is a durable replacement tooth that functions like a real tooth. Dental implants allow patients with missing teeth to speak and chew more easily than they otherwise might, and can even guard against health issues that can result from missing teeth, such as shifting teeth and jawbone deterioration.

Your Dentist Can Debunk Dental Implant Myths

The above are just some of the most common myths regarding dental implants. The more you understand the truth about dental implants, the more you may appreciate the advantages of this treatment option. If you have any additional questions about implants, feel free to bring them up with your dentist. They’ll address any misconceptions you might have heard.

Learn More About Dental Implants in Honolulu

At Queen’s Crown Dental, in Honolulu, Hawaii, our experts can thoroughly explain why dental implants may or may not be ideal for you. Call us at 808-526-2800 or contact us online to schedule an appointment today.

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